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「天河大賭場」今日正式宣佈,由威爾頓部族(Wilton Rancheria)及其經理公司Boyd Gaming Corporation of Las Vegas委任了一位總裁及三名高級行政主管。Michael J. Facenda先生現已被委任為「天河大賭場」的新任總裁,Matthew Morgan先生為高級副總裁兼總經理助理,Clay Crawford先生為首席財務官,Jeffery Jarvis先生則為信息技術副總裁。

Michael Facenda — 「天河大賭場」總裁

Michael 加入「天河」時在博彩業已擁有逾35年的豐富博彩業運營及市場營銷工作經驗。他曾於博彩業擔任多個重要領導職位,其中包括總經理助理、副總裁兼總經理等,他最近一任工作經歷則是在南加州的Agua Caliente’s Cathedral City 賭場擔任高級副總裁及總經理。Michael亦曾是大西洋城的Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa賭場發展及開業團隊成員。他畢業於新澤西州葛拉斯堡羅市的Rowan University大學,取得市場營銷理學學士學位。

Boyd Gaming經理公司的Chris Gibase先生表示:「Michael擁有豐富的相關經驗以領導『天河』團隊。他對客戶服務及團隊成員關係極為瞭解,這對於我們至關重要,他將可帶領我們的企業成功地走向未來。 Michael的加入對我們的企業而言正是恰逢其時。我們的開業一週年慶典就在今年八月,他將竭力帶領『天河』團隊,為其打造成令整個部族乃至大Elk Grove社區引以為豪的娛樂勝地。」

Matthew Morgan — 高級副總裁兼總經理助理

Morgan擁有逾26年的博彩及酒店服務業經驗,此外,他還在信息技術、市場營銷、餐飲及行政管理等管理方面有著資深廣泛的背景。Matthew 首先在St. Louis market開始他的職業生涯,此後曾於加州及拉斯維加斯內的多間機構擔任高級職位,並為四家大機構開業時履任。Matthew自2021年6月起即已成為「天河」項目工作團隊的一員,在此次晉升為總經理助理之前,他曾擔任首席信息官(CIO)及運營部高級副總裁。

Clay Crawford — 首席財務官

Crawford於2021年4月加入「天河大賭場」擔任財務副總裁一職。在加入「天河」之前,他曾於Bridge Capital, LLC公司擔任首席財務官。他具有逾29年的高級財務管理職位之經驗。並且,他在金融行業的豐富經驗大部分均來自Mandalay Resort Group 度假村集團。此外,Crawford還擁有內華達州的註冊會計師執照。


Jeffery Jarvis — 信息技術副總裁





「天河大賭場」是威爾頓部落(Wilton Rancheria)與Boyd Gaming公司的合作項目, 由Boyd Gaming 負責為部落承建及管理經營。賭場於2022年8月開業,提供面積達 100,000 平方呎的博彩娛樂場地,2,100部最熱門老虎機、超逾80枱桌面遊戲及17家中西餐飲食府及美食廣場。瞭解詳情,請登錄。 



Sky River Casino announced today a new president and three executive level management promotions by the Wilton Rancheria Tribe and their manager Boyd Gaming Corporation of Las Vegas. Michael J. Facenda has been named the President for Sky River Casino, Matthew Morgan as Senior Vice President & Assistant General Manager, Clay Crawford as Chief Financial Officer, and Jeffery Jarvis as Vice President of Information Technology.

Michael Facenda – President

Michael joins Sky River with over 35 years of experience in the gaming industry with an extensive background in Operations and Marketing. He has held numerous leadership positions in the gaming industry including Assistant General Manager, Vice President & General Manager, and most recently as Senior Vice President, General Manager of Agua Caliente’s Cathedral City property in Southern California. Michael was also a member of the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa development and opening team in Atlantic City. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey.

“Michael brings a wealth of experience to lead the Sky River team. His insight into guest services and team member relationships are paramount to drive the success of the property well into the future,” said Chris Gibase of Boyd Gaming. “Michael joins at an amazing time for the property. With the properties first year anniversary in August, he is able to lead the team and strive to build the Sky River property into a resort that the Tribe and greater Elk Grove community will be proud of.”

Matthew Morgan – Senior Vice President & Assistant General Manager

With more than 26 years of experience in the gaming and hospitality industry, Morgan has an extensive background in Information Technology, Marketing Operations, Food & Beverage, and executive management. Matthew started his career in the St. Louis market and has held senior positions at multiple organizations within California and Las Vegas, serving on four grand opening teams. Matthew has been a part of the Sky River project team since June 2021 and has previously held the positions of CIO and Senior Vice-President of Operations before stepping into his new role as Assistant General Manager.


Clay Crawford – Chief Financial Officer

Crawford first joined Sky River Casino in April 2021 as the Vice President of Finance. Prior to working for Sky River, Clay worked as Chief Financial Officer for Bridge Capital, LLC. In all, he has served in a variety of senior financial management positions for more than 29 years.  Most of his extensive experience in the finance industry comes from working for the Mandalay Resort Group. In addition, Crawford is a licensed CPA in Nevada. 


Jeffery Jarvis – Vice President of Information Technology

With more than a decade of dedicated experience in the hospitality industry, Jarvis has successfully overseen operations for Project Management Offices and Information Technology Departments. Jeff’s career is highlighted with being a part of nine grand opening teams in several jurisdictions. Previously, Jarvis held the position of IT Director for Sky River before moving to his new role as Vice President of Information Technology.

For more information about Sky River Casino, its offerings, the 17 bars and restaurants, and hours of operations, please call 916-866-0200 or visit

About Sky River Casino

Sky River Casino was built by the Wilton Rancheria in partnership with Boyd Gaming Corporation, which is building and managing the property for the tribe. The casino opened in August 2022 and includes 100,000 sq ft of gaming, 2,100 slot machines, 80 table games, and 17 bars and restaurants. To learn more, visit




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