透過ACP折扣享用免費高速家居網絡 每月折扣高達$30

如果您參加了加州醫療補助計劃(Medi-Cal) 或其他政府援助計劃,如加州補充營養援助計劃 (CalFresh)、生命線 (Lifeline)、社會安全生活補助金 (SSI) 或家庭年收入$53,000 或以下的四口之家,那麽您就有資格享受高達每月$30 的高速家居網絡服務折扣。
請致電廣東話熱線866-458-3702、普通話熱線866-929-3184, 或到訪Internetforallnow.org/chi,查看您是否符合條件吧!

Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
Up to $30 Monthly Discount Off Fast Home Internet Today

If you are enrolled in Medicaid (Medi-Cal) or other government assistance programs such as California Supplemental Camps CalFresh, Lifeline, Social Security Income (SSI) or a family of four with an annual household income of $53,000 or less, then you may be eligible for a discount of up to $30 per month on high-speed home internet service.
Call 866-937-3810 or visit Internetforallnow.org/chi to see if you qualify!