三藩市: 甘大為競選加州議員 力推停止仇恨亞太裔
2022年3月28日 (天下衛視記者報導)
三藩市地檢處幕僚長加州第17選區眾議員候選人甘大為(David Campos)上週五在華埠舉行競選活動表示將進一步推進停止仇恨亞太裔運動。前三藩市參事會主席余鼎昂前第一區市議員李麗嫦以及Harvey Milk LGBTQ俱樂部副主席Raya Sarkar到場支持
"I am going to make sure that we as a state know everything we can to fight and prevent anti-Asian hate. It's going to be something that will be a top priority for me, and it will be a priority because it's very personal for me."
"And I look forward to working with organizations, including the Chinese Historical Society, on how that funding should be allocated. "
"We need to recruit out of these communities. We need to make sure that the people who come from these communities, like Chinatown, are the ones that are actually policing and patrolling the streets because they need to be connected."
他還計畫在丁右立AB 1947法案的基礎上再接再厲要求每個司法管轄區都採取應對仇恨犯罪的政策並確保正確執行