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住在北加州的你,是不是都曾經對你的電力公司所提供的客戶服務,電費賬單又或者是山火以及極端天氣期間的電力安排有疑問? 但是同時你是否又覺得打電話提意見很麻煩,想上網send email但又不知道要發到哪裡? 








在6月30日前,馬上登陸以下網址填寫問卷: ,所有參加的觀眾都有機會贏得由天下衛視送出的$20禮品卡或者應急無線收音機一個。但大家要記得在問卷的最後,填寫你的聯絡方式,以便中獎的話我們的工作人員可以和你聯絡。所有參加者的資料僅用於兌獎事宜,不會用於其他用途。















Are you based in Northern California and ever found yourself puzzled over your electric company's customer service, your electricity bill, or the power arrangements during wildfires and extreme weather? Have you ever felt like voicing your concerns, but find it too cumbersome to make a phone call or unsure where to email?

Now is your time to shine. Spare just 5 minutes of your day, and you can convey your thoughts directly to the folks at PG&E through a simple survey. Your valuable insights could very well pave the way for future services and directions at PG&E.

Before June 30th, hurry over to the following link to fill out the survey: All participants stand a chance to win a $20 gift card courtesy of Sky Link TV or a handy emergency radio! Do remember to fill out your contact information at the end of the survey so that we can reach you if you're our lucky winner. Rest assured, your information will only be used for prize redemption purposes.


















During this event, Sky Link TV will randomly select five lucky winners to receive a $20 cash gift card, and a hundred viewers will snag an emergency radio. If you win the radio, you'll need to swing by Sky Link TV's San Francisco office to collect your prize.

Join us in making a difference while having a bit of fun along the way! We can't wait to hear from you.

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