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Sky Link TV

New Shows to Get Excited About in July 2018

Sing! China (Season 3)


Premieres: Saturday, July 14 at 9 PM (SF) / Friday, July 13 at 9 PM (LA)


Stars: Jay Chou, Harlem Yu, Li Jian, Nicholas Tse


Broadcast: Sky Link TV San Francisco and Los Angeles

Abstract: In equivalent to the America's legendary music competition program, The Voice, the All-New season of Sing! China is premiering on Sky Link TV! With Jay Chou was confirmed to be returning for his third season, and Nicholas Tse was also announced to join the show as a new coach. Returning coach Harlem Yu and new coaches Li Jian would replace Liu Huan, and Na Ying in this all- new season of 2018.

中國新歌聲 第三季
首映時間: 7/14 (週六) 晚間 9 點 (舊金山) / 7/13 (週五) 晚間 9 點 (洛杉磯)


明星陣容: 周杰倫, 庾澄慶, 李健, 謝霆鋒


播映地區: 北美 舊金山及洛杉磯

簡介: 四位導師通過盲選選擇自己心儀的學員組成戰隊, 並帶領自己的戰隊進行戰隊內和戰隊間關於音樂的對抗。在第三季中, 庾澄慶及周杰倫將回歸中國新歌声, 與李健及谢霆锋共同组成第三季導師陣容。

Chinese Restaurant (Season 2)

Premieres: Wednesday, July 18 at 9 PM


Stars: Vicki Zhao, Alex Su, Shu Qi, Wang Jun Kai, Bai Ju Gang


Broadcast: Sky Link TV San Francisco and Los Angeles

Abstract: Chinese Restaurant (aka. 中餐廳) is a Chinese celebrity reality show broadcast by Hunan Television. The All-New Season 2 will be coming up in July. It's Chinese Celebrity Actress Vicki Zhao's first reality show as a regular guest. The Chinese show takes a question - what if celebrities are dropped in a foreign country and have to get a restaurant up and running in days? Be sure to watch Sky Link TV to find out!

中餐廳 第二季


首映時間: 7/18 (週三) 晚間 9 點


明星陣容: 趙薇, 蘇有朋, 舒淇, 王俊凱, 白舉綱


播映地區: 北美 舊金山及洛杉磯


簡介: 中餐廳第二季強勢回歸, 本季拍攝地選擇法國科爾馬,更增神秘浪漫。除了有趙薇繼續掌廚以外, 另外四位明星嘉賓 (蘇有朋, 舒淇, 王俊凱, 白舉綱) 宣告加盟,遠赴浪漫的法國科爾馬小鎮開啟全新的餐廳經營之旅。

Phanta City

Premieres: Friday, July 20 at 9 PM (SF) / Saturday, July 21 at 9 PM (LA)


Stars: Faye Wong, Kubert Leung, Peter Chan


Broadcast: Sky Link TV San Francisco and Los Angeles

Abstract: Inspired by the Classic Broadway Show, the first season of Phanta City is produced by Hunan TV network in China. For the very first time, Faye Wong, a popular singer-songwriter and actress, might make her lucrative debut on a Chinese reality TV show. The show is being produced by well-known musician Kubert Leung, the music director of Hunan TV's popular I Am A Singer series. There're many pop and film stars, including Kit Chan, Lala Hsu, Eason Chan, Na Ying, Carina Lau, Maggie Cheung, Vicki Zhao and Wong's daughter, Leah Dou, are also being on the potential guest list.



首映時間: 7/20 (週五) 晚間 9 點 (舊金山) / 7/21 (週六) 晚間 9 點 (洛杉磯)


明星陣容: 王菲, 梁翹柏, 陳可辛


播映地區: 北美 舊金山及洛杉磯


簡介: 節目打造了沉浸式觀演舞台,以音樂表演為主要形式,嘉賓提供靈感,專業人員集成創作,最終共同完成一部音樂故事短片。王菲將成為節目嘉賓,另外更多知名歌手或演員等也將會被邀請於節目當中。節目製作團隊由梁翹柏主導。

Love Won't Wait

Premieres: Coming up in August at 8 PM


Stars: Vanness Wu, Cheung Cecilia, Hsu Thassaoak, Ni Jing Yang, Huang Shuo Wen


Broadcast: Sky Link TV San Francisco and Los Angeles

Abstract: Wan Shi Cheng is a self-made man who started out as a street vendor. After 40 years of hard work, he successfully running his own restaurant. However, his family is falling apart. His oldest daughter, Wan Jia Ling, has been suffering from his son's death for three years. After this tragedy, she has to face her heartless mother-in-law and neglect of her husband. His oldest daughter-in-law, Zheng Qing Tian, has devoted herself to his family and his restaurant, but her husband betrays her. His youngest daughter, Wan Jia Ni, who doesn't believe the ideal of marriage gets pregnant. His wife walks out on him since he cannot address this his family's issues properly. How do they transform and grow in the face of hardships? 

如果 ,愛


首映時間: 8月 晚間 8 點


明星陣容: 吳建豪, 張柏芝, 徐志賢, 倪景陽, 黃爍文


播映地區: 北美 舊金山及洛杉磯


簡介: 該劇講述了靠擺路邊攤起家的萬事成, 辛苦打拼四十年, 終於開辦了美食城中最大的餐廳“大團圓” 。就在此時, 事業上風光無限的萬家卻迎來了一場情感的逆襲戰。長女萬嘉玲與丈夫宋喬植及婆婆之間的矛盾日益加深。長媳鄭晴天,愛情中一片痴心卻備受婚姻打擊。向來奉行”不婚主義“的么女萬嘉妮, 誤打誤撞, 與上司結成歡喜冤家。而萬事成的妻子陳淑英, 在三個孩子的感染下, 也勇敢的跨出蛻變的第一步,爭取婚姻的自主與獨立。

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